We have visited two important places in Chittagong Area called মহামায়া ইকো পার্ক (Mohamaya Eco Park) and বোটানিক্যাল গার্ডেন এন্ড ইকো পার্ক, সীতাকুন্ড, চট্টগ্রাম (Botanical Garden & Eco Park, Sitakunda, Chittagong). There are so many big and small sized hills, lake and waterfalls. Everyday huge visitors are gathering here. We have visited one lake (Mohamaya) in Mohamaya, Mirsarai and another place is Sitakunda Botanical Garden where the place is surrounded by hills and hills. We had to hiked 1200 feet from sea level to reach the top level nearest of Waterfalls and from there 565 feet and there is 483 stairs to get down from top level to waterfall (সহস্রধারা- Sahasradhara Waterfall). ………More
Check the Fact’s [Worldwide Photo Walk-Sitakunda, Bangladesh]
by Anzelweb | Jan 3, 2018 | Check the Facts | 0 comments